Family Promises & More Justice!
This week's Do Some Good post is focused on expanding our reach as a church body with the organizations that we are a part of and support. These are not necessarily tangible activities for this week, but the hope is that you will seek more information instead. If any of the following opportunities interest you, please email Dylan (!
Family Promise of the Midlands (FPM) partners with congregations in Columbia, individuals, families, other social service agencies, foundations, and businesses to provide shelter and solutions for families who have children and are facing a housing crisis. Emmaus is a partner congregation, and we are looking for a partner congregation coordinator. This person will serve as the liaison between FPM and Emmaus to provide service opportunities, organizational updates, and potential temporary housing once we have our own space.
MORE Justice is a growing network of faith-based congregations which are culturally, economically, racially, geographically, and religiously diverse – coming together to fulfill our scriptural mandate to “do justice” and make the Central Midlands area a more just place to live for all people. We are looking for Team Leads who will help organize Emmaus members to join listening sessions, research teams, and justice advocates with MORE Justice.
We are growing our outreach teams to include landscaping, building (home repairs, roofing, construction, etc.), litter sweeps, refugee support, and poverty alleviation. Joining these teams simply gets you on the list to receive more information when opportunities arise, and to plug in when and where you can.