Book Blackout Initiative
Here are some great opportunities to jump into this week. If you’re up to something that is bringing some good into your part of the world, let us know!
During Black History Month, local activist @iamjaredleejohnson started the #BookBlackout initiative. The goal is to get 20 copies each of 21 different books that are written by Black authors and/or represent Black culture and experience. These books will then be dispersed among the free little libraries across our community so that young readers are represented and seen. The initiative took off and has continued to grow past Black History month! If you are interested in purchasing some books and having them sent directly to Jared for placement in little libraries, please click here:
Special Olympics South Carolina’s mission is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community. We encourage you to learn more about this organization and see where you might plug in! Visit their website to learn more about volunteer opportunities and financial needs:
Many of you participated in the litter sweep on Bush River Road during our Do Good Day in February and commented on the insane amount of trash that was piled up on the side of the road. The amount of litter was overwhelming and saddening. We made quite a dent on that Sunday, but we want to continue a long-term commitment to changing the area for the better! In partnership with Keep the Midlands Beautiful, we will be adopting that stretch of the highway by our new land! The commitment for our church is to complete one litter sweep a quarter. Not bad at all! If you are interested in this initiative, please email Dylan to get plugged in. There is no expectation that you will participate every time, but that we can build a solid team of volunteers.