Teacher Appreciation Week

Today marks the beginning of #TeacherAppreciationWeek and we want to honor our teachers! We know that many teachers are tired, burnt out, and giving all that they have for the sake of their students. This week, let's stop and take the time to make sure they feel appreciated, heard, and seen. Reach out to your teacher friends/family and let them know they are special to you. Send them a special treat, a meaningful thank-you card, or something that makes their job a little bit easier - get creative! Also, don't forget to advocate for our teachers. Ask them what is needed for them to be successful in and outside the classroom, and make sure that legislation lines up with those needs.
SC Ready/SCPass testing is coming up. Some teachers at Nursery Road Elementary School request grownups in the students’ lives to write the student a letter of encouragement for each day of testing. As you can imagine, there will be some students who will not receive letters. Emmaus wants to make sure that doesn't happen, and that every student feels loved and encouraged! If you would like to write a letter of encouragement to a student, you can email them to Lindsey Cunningham, and she will forward them on to teachers who will put them in an envelope for the students who didn’t receive any letters. Words have power. What better way to speak “grace and peace” into the lives of these students on big testing days! We need the letters by May 9th. Please email them to lindseygrayce@yahoo.com.
Tomorrow (May 3rd) is Midlands Gives! In addition to being a year-round resource for donors across the Midlands, the initiative amplifies donations during an annual18-hour online giving challenge the first Tuesday of May. Since its inception in 2014 the event has raised $15.9 million for local nonprofits. Many of our partner organizations are participating this year, such as Family Promise of the Midlands, Haven Home, Mission Lexington, Sharing Gods Love, and The Agape Table, just to name a few. Consider donating to some of these organizations tomorrow. You can browse non-profits and give here: https://www.midlandsgives.org/nonprofits.

Emmaus Church